Statistically speaking Lots of Nigerian students who finish the university can't place their heads around what to do after school. Most eventually still goes down the lane of job hunting, which can be very devastating especially in this part of the world Nigeria.

To avoid all this stress of hitting the road under the hot sun in charge of what to do after school! Here's a solution; 

Let's see this from this angle the need of every fresh graduate. 

 is to at least generate enough money 150k to 300k monthly for a start. And achieving this means having a solution to people's needs. Solving people's needs require skills.

And guess what acquiring skills in Nigeria today has been made easier than ever before, thanks to NGOs like GeniusHubGlobal. The specialize in youth empowerment and human capital development, and here's the bombshell; you can achieve all this today for free. All you need to do is follow them up across social media platforms @geniushubglobal